Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A family

Dreamingstar took her place on the Fallen Oak."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Fall Oak for a clan meeting!" She yowled, and the few cats gathered."We have many new joiners! Please welcome Echoleaf as our medicine cat!" Every cheered happily."She shall travel to the Starry Trees tonight. Then we have Raindust and Timberclaw as warriors." More cheers rose from the clan.

"We also have our first queen! Please welcome Briarheart, who is expecting kits!" All the cats smiled at her, grateful that kits would soon be born into the clan."And then we have our first elder, Larksong! We will all treat her kindly." Larksong had a stone-face, but the clan still purred."That is all, meeting dismissed!"

(Sorry it's short, just have quite a bit on my hands.)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

More new cats

Dreamingstar quickly zipped onto the Fallen Oak."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Fallen Oak for a clan meeting!" She yowled, even though that was basically everyone."We have some more joiners." She purred happily."Please welcome Honeyfire and Iceflash as warriors!" The small clan cheered for the ginger and white she-cat, as well as the white tom.

"We also have a new apprentice. By naming apprentices we show that we are strong. Brookpaw, step forward." A silver she-cat came out of the crowd and sat down."Brookpaw, do you promse to learn the ways of the warrior code?" Brookpaw nodded."I most certainly do." "Then by th powe o Starclan, I make you an apprentice of Stealthclan. Your mentor shall be Honeyfire." The she-cat smiled and touched noses.

"I would like Joltfur to organize a hunting patrol and border patrol. Two on hunting, three on border." Dreamstar said as she began to descend her little rock steps."That is all, meeting dismissed."

Saturday, March 26, 2011

First members

Dreamingstar laid peacefully in her new nest. She and Whirlwind had run away from their old rouge pack and formed their own clan. As the sun rose through the crevices of her den, she stretched and slipped out. The crisp, morning air, freshened her lungs. But along with the sweet smell came suspicion. There was a loud crunching noise, as some creature stepped on the old leaves of last Leaf-fall.

A large group of cats found the entrance and wandered in. A black tom saw Dreamingstar, and ran to her."Who are you?" He asked. He sounded very hungry and tired."I'm Dreamingstar of Stealthclan. Would you all like some food?" She brought out the things that she and Whirlwind had hunted the previous day. All the cats ate gratefully."You say your name is Dreamingstar? As if in a clan?" A smaller she-cat inquired."Yes, we are Stealthclan. Would you like to join?" Every cat leaped up."Oh yes!"

A ginger tom smiled, who looked much like the other she-cat that had spoken. Dreamingstar nodded." Whirlwind, wake up!" All the cats laughed as Whirlwind stumbled out in a pathetic heap."Huh?" He shook his frazzled head and began grooming to look more proper."We have our first joiners." She laughed at her friends. She looks around for something that would give her more authority, and saw a fallen tree, hanging over the hollow. Usuing ledges in the rock, she leaped up onto the tree.

"All of you, gather under the......" She stared at the log."Fallen Oak." They all nodded and sat down."What are your names?" Dreamingstar looked at them, feeling very proud from her high point."I'm Joltfur." The black tom said."And that's Swiftpaw, Foxpaw, and Ivypaw." Dreamingstar sat thoughtfully."Joltfur, you shall be the deputy of Stealthclan!" The tom smiled proudly."Thank you Dreamingstar." "You three, do you promise to learn the ways of the warrior code?"

All three nodded."Then Swiftpaw, you shall be mentored by my friend Whirlwind." They both smiled and touched noses."Foxpaw, you will be mentored by Joltfur, and Ivypaw, you will be mentored by me." She leaped down to touch noses."Okay, that is all. You just learn where everything is, okay?" She smiled dazzlingly at the cats, the went to eat some fresh-kill.

Mates Page

Come here to talk to your crush.

Mountain Range (Border with Mysteryclan)

A large set of mountains that divide from our neighboring clan.