Sunday, March 27, 2011

More new cats

Dreamingstar quickly zipped onto the Fallen Oak."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Fallen Oak for a clan meeting!" She yowled, even though that was basically everyone."We have some more joiners." She purred happily."Please welcome Honeyfire and Iceflash as warriors!" The small clan cheered for the ginger and white she-cat, as well as the white tom.

"We also have a new apprentice. By naming apprentices we show that we are strong. Brookpaw, step forward." A silver she-cat came out of the crowd and sat down."Brookpaw, do you promse to learn the ways of the warrior code?" Brookpaw nodded."I most certainly do." "Then by th powe o Starclan, I make you an apprentice of Stealthclan. Your mentor shall be Honeyfire." The she-cat smiled and touched noses.

"I would like Joltfur to organize a hunting patrol and border patrol. Two on hunting, three on border." Dreamstar said as she began to descend her little rock steps."That is all, meeting dismissed."


  1. Brookpaw touched noses with Honeyfire.

    "Thank you for excepting me into your clan." Iceflash meowed.

  2. Dreamingstar purred."You're welcome." She smiled sweetly.

  3. Honeyfire smiled down to her apprentice. It was her first, hopefully more to come. "So, Brookpaw, what do you like to do most?" Honeyfire asked her apprentice, bonding would start.

    Swiftpaw and Foxpaw smiled warmly to Brookpaw, another apprentice! They went over to the freshkill pile and shared a mouse.
    ~Swiftpaw & Foxpaw

  4. "I like anything really." Brookpaw shrugged. "I enjoy being in the forest." She looked towards to Swiftpaw and Foxpaw and waved her tail in greeting.
